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Ridgmont Lower School

Learning For Life


Welcome to the Gallery!

Please enjoy browsing our photographs.

Ridgmont Lower School Sports Day

Chinchilla Visit!

Fry update we now have 5!

Full House Theatre Company performed their new show 'Full of Beans' in school today. We loved it and are looking forward to see their performance of Jack & The Beanstalk

Grub Club - Chocolate Upside Down Pudding

We were lucky to win £200 worth of Gymnastics vouchers and have used the money to give KS2 a course of gymnastic lessons.

We were very pleased to have received our Platinum School Games Mark in recognition of commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport.

Project Playground. Here are the photos from Day 1.

We are so proud of our little village school and so pleased we were able to send 19 boxes off to children less fortunate than ours as part of Operation Christmas Child.

Raising money for Children In Need
