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Ridgmont Lower School

Learning For Life

School Values

Behaviour Principles Written Statement

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Vision, Aims and Ethos




“We think, therefore we can and we will”




Raise levels of attainment for all pupils, enabling them to achieve their personal best.

Develop confident and enquiring learners, able to make informed choices.

Foster a love of learning.

Foster self-esteem and personal responsibility, linked to respect for the needs and feelings of others.

Facilitate considerate and positive relationships between all members of the school community.

Ensure equal opportunities in relation to gender, race, class, special needs and belief.

Value and respect all cultures.



Provide a calm, quiet and effective working environment at all times, in which each child can achieve his or her maximum potential.

Provide a welcoming environment, in which courtesy, kindness and respect are fostered.

Provide positive role models.

Provide a fair and disciplined environment, in line with the school’s ‘Discipline for Learning’ behaviour policy.

Maintain purposeful and informative planning, record keeping and assessment documents, in line with the school’s record-keeping and assessment policy statement.

Develop links with the wider community.

Provide children with meaningful, purposeful tasks, related to the National Curriculum programmes of study and Early Learning Goals.

Value and celebrate pupils’ success and achievements.

Review personal and professional development by providing appropriate INSET, training and support from colleagues in order to ensure a high level of professional expertise.
